Martin Schumacher

Artist Spotlight

Martin Schumacher


Artist Bio

Martin Schumacher combines basic printmaking and ink mark-making with a variety of mixed media approaches. Often beginning with, for instance, a simple monotype print or a series of largely abstract ink markings, Martin will attempt to tease out a certain composition or resonant details suggested by the original image with various media (e.g., ink, pastels, or paints). In many instances, he will also digitize the emerging image as a way to further manipulate specific effects or details while often combining multiple images together. 

In terms of influences, Schumacher points to a number of sources, including and especially the natural world, literature, travel, dreams, and, of course, other artists, particularly the Europeans and some Americans during the early stages of Modernism. He says he’s particularly drawn to creative expression that explores that area where the representational and the abstract meet. When asked what the job of the artist is, he likes to paraphrase Francis Bacon and suggest it is to help “deepen the mystery.”

Primary Discipline:


Other Disciplines:



Mixed Media, Printmaking, Digital Art - computer-generated, Drawings

Contact Artist


(978) 491-7974

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